Monday 2 January 2012

My last Arabian night

Just made it back to our hotel in Jordan after a long drive back from Aqaba along the Desert Highway and then a stop off at the citadel and Roman theatre in Amman.

I'm going to finally admit in writing to being ill. I have a hacking cough and full on head cold but I deserve no sympathy. Who in their right minds sleeps outside in freezing temperatures and then goes snorkelling in chilly waters when they're already feeling under the weather?

Fortunately the group are looking after me - I have Sudafed, Strepsils and Benilyn, so I'm nicely spaced out for my last Arabian night here in Amman.

The snorkelling btw was absolutely worth it. Shoals of pretty coloured fish and beautiful coral formations. We had the boat to ourselves and it was really interesting being able to see Saudi, Israel and Egypt all from the same spot. Another spectacular sunset on the way back too.

Tonight we are off out for our final meal together. I wish I could stay longer as I feel that I've only scratched the surface of this fascinating country. I think I may well come back and would recommend it to anyone reading.

Location:Amman, Jordan

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