Monday 2 January 2012

Shooting stars...

Well, one shooting star to be precise but it elicited a gasp from me that was loud enough to wake the whole campsite. In my excitement I almost forgot to make a wish...

So I literally watched the sun go down on 2011 and watched it come up on 2012. The photos won't do either the sunset or the sunrise justice but they were both incredible. As for the night sky in the desert, I've never seen anything more beautiful. Just five of us decided to sleep outside around the fire having seen the New Year in and I had a glorious night trying to count the stars whilst listening to our new Bedouin friends chattering away in Arabic. Didn't get a wink of sleep but that meant that I was able to stir Kat at the first sign of daybreak and convince her to trek across the sands with me to somewhere with a clear eastwards view.

Wonderful food at the camp too. A dish called Zarb (sp?) for dinner which was lamb, chicken and vegetables cooked buried in the sand and then a yummy omelette for our well-earned breakfast.

Now in Aqaba and getting ready to do a boat trip on the Red Sea and perhaps a spot of snorkelling. Time to recharge the batteries.

(written on 1st Jan)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Aqaba, Jordan

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