Saturday 31 December 2011

Petra from above

Our second full day in Petra was just as amazing as the first.

We started by taking a secret way to a viewpoint overlooking the Treasury from above. As well as being secret, it was a rather challenging hike and I was very glad to not be scared of heights and have some rock climbing experience! I loved it but there were a few hairy moments for those with vertigo or short legs!

Having drunk in that unusual view alone, we made our way to the High Place of Sacrifice to look down over the whole of Petra. Another brisk hike but through a landscape that continually surprises you.

Finally 7 of us decided to walk the long route back down into the city to take in some more tombs and temples but what actually stood out most were the beautiful colours and shapes in the rock. No artist would be able to achieve what nature has produced all by herself.

So, now it's New Year's Eve. In 2011, I had 3 resolutions: do more stuff; fall in love; and read more. I can put big ticks next to the first two - both achieved in spectacular fashion - and two out of three ain't bad.

For 2012 I think my resolutions will be: do less stuff; fall out of love; and write more. I don't fancy my chances much but you've got to at least start the year with the right intentions!

Tonight will be spent sleeping underneath the stars in the desert of Wadi Rum. I've been assured that it's an experience I will never forget.

One thing's for sure, I won't have mobile reception, so I wish anyone reading a very Happy New Year! Over and out until 2012.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Petra, Jordan

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