Thursday 29 December 2011

Walking in Lawrence's footsteps...

Today was a very special day. It's hard to describe how awe-inspiring this place is... I can only hope that some of my many (many) photos will do it some justice.

My walking skills came in very handy as I was able to do everything on offer today and have time in each place to really soak it all in. Fortunately my roommate, Kat, also proved to be speedy uphill, so I had some lovely company too. We both had fantastic shots taken of us by a rather dashing young American at what the Bedouin call 'the end of the world' ... a viewpoint overlooking the desert mountains. We could have stayed for hours... looking at the scenery that is, not the American!

On the way back, we bumped into Khalid and really enjoyed his companionship on the return hike. Because of him, we were invited to share tea with an elderly Bedouin woman who was selling a few scarves just off the path. I then bought one from her that Khalid helped me tie properly on my head, Lawrence of Arabia style. Very fetching or so I've been told!

I love the richness of the history and the sheer freedom of this place. I can fully imagine anyone standing on a high point in Petra feeling totally invincible.

Most of all, you could never tire of looking at the colours and formations of the rocks here. It feels a bit like you've wandered on to the set of Star Wars!

Going back tomorrow for more. Can't wait!

Location:Petra, Jordan

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