Tuesday 27 December 2011

10 years younger?

They promised I would look at least 10 years younger after my dip in the Dead Sea... especially if I slathered handfuls of black and slimy mud all over myself first. Close inspection in the mirror on return to the hotel reveals that I have yet again fallen victim to a marketing man's spin.

Well, I may not look any younger but I will concede that when I stepped out of the water this afternoon my shoulders had dropped a few inches and I had got to know my fellow travellers a little better. Rolling around in mud in your swimsuit with a bunch of strangers is certainly one way to start building bonds!

Today I have been overwhelmed by the warmth of the Jordanian people and the quality of their humour. I have been on the receiving end of so many bright and genuine smiles and am tuning into the gentle and dry comedy that is delivered with a totally deadpan expression, especially by our guide, Khalid. Who incidentally must be Theo Paphitis' long lost identical twin brother (it's quite disconcerting!)

The other unexpected picture I am left with is of a boy (he couldn't have been more than 17) hobbling around our hotel lobby on crutches. Apparently some of the Libyan rebels are here receiving treatment for wounds received during the recent troubles. Plenty of food for thought.

Apart from the Dead Sea, we spent an interesting morning visiting the ancient Roman city of Jerash. We had this amazing site pretty much to ourselves which from a selfish perspective was great. However, it highlights an uncomfortable trend for the Jordanians... since the uprising in Egypt, tourism (which previously made up 26% of the country's economy) has dropped by around 90% in Jordan. And with the situation in Syria escalating, there doesn't really seem to be much light at the end of the tunnel.

Tomorrow we're off to Petra which normally has 6000 visitors a day at this time of year but is currently averaging 400. Fewer people to get in my photos I suppose...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Amman, Jordan

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